a rather funny thing can happen when you live in a new culture. it's possible to get a little fuzzy on aspects of your own culture that you thought were set in stone in your own mind... like the fact that american thanksgiving is always the FOURTH thursday of november. somehow this year i convinced myself that it was the THIRD thursday in november. :) i was so convinced, in fact, that i planned a "day late" thanksgiving party for one of my classes on friday, november 21. sheesh!
even though i felt rather silly when i realized the mental slip up i'd had, i've been thinking deeply about thankfulness for a few weeks longer than usual. obviously, i don't need the 4th thursday in november to make thankfulness a part of my life. it's been a good exercise for me to think about what i can be thankful for even now. so here is a list of some of the things i'm thankful for this year.
*a loving Father who provides all i need and then some
*a fabulous family in the states and the ability to talk to them regularly through skype
*an incredible boyfriend who supports me emotionally more than i ever dreamed
*dear friends in the states who love me and keep in touch so well
*my sweet muji and the sound of his contented purrs when he sits next to me
*the sense of being really listened to by the administration at the humanities college
*overall good health and being able to get my ankle checked out in thailand
*going to thailand in 45 days!!!!!!
*the privilege of teaching 250 students...so many lives i can shine His light on
*the chance to see the Father's healing and renewal in our sunday fellowship
*YOU for reading and lifting up my requests and supporting me in so many ways!
what are you thankful for? leave me a comment and let me know. :)