Monday, September 3, 2007

hike to zaisan

on saturday my teammate andrea and i hiked to a memorial called zaisan. it is the best place to get a view of the whole city. there is also a new buddha at the base of the hill where the memorial is. it wasn't there two years ago when i visited mongolia. it was really odd to see it there and to observe the mongolians who were visiting it. there seemed to be very little sense of reverence or anything even remotely devotional in the way people behaved in its presence.

this is a view of the buddha from the left side at the top of zaisan. can you see it in the middle of the picture?
another view of the city from the right side at the top of zaisan
andrea and me


lss said...

Hello Amanda,

I am Lanore. I am a friend of Katie.I am a RN and first met Katie while she was in school and working at Bloomington Hospital. I am a Christian. I have started a blog as a a learning and typing exercise- I hate typing. I am 60 yr old. I have a friend by the name of Keren who want to come to Mongolia. She has been learning the language at IU. She has a gift for languages. I would like to share your site with her. I think she would love your pictures. Lss-Waiting and Looking

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda, have Stu and Charm tried blogging with you? It's the easiest way to leave a message, and free!!!

Ty said...

wow, there's a buddha statue at zaisan now? that's crazy....that view is grand though, isn't it!?
at first glance, i so thought that andrea was mel in that pic...