Monday, April 27, 2009

decisions, decisions

wow, sorry it's been a month since i last posted. i'm sure you are curious about what i'll be doing next school year, since i was undecided when i wrote last month. without further ado, here's the plan:

i'll be returning to the states and moving to chicago.

of course i am sad to leave mongolia after just 2 years, but i'm also excited about what lies ahead. my boyfriend lives in chicago, and i'm planning on finding an apartment near him. we are looking forward to seeing each other on a day to day basis in person instead of on skype. :)

i've sent my resume to a few places that need ESL teachers, so i'm hoping to hear from some of them soon. i think i'll check the online job postings every week until i return and hopefully i'll have some interviews lined up in chicago when i get back. it would be ideal if i could work enough hours for one company to survive financially, but i'm willing to teach a few hours for a few different companies if that's what it takes.

i have a little over a month here in mongolia, and i'm busy finishing up my teaching responsibilities, packing up my apartment, and trying to spend as much time with friends as possible. there are days when i feel panicked about everything to do and other days when i realize i just need to live in the moment and enjoy the time i have here. any of you who have moved to another country, surely know how i'm feeling! :)

well, one of those teaching duties is calling my name, so i'd better get to it. i have several writing assignments to grade, and they take a lot of time, which explains why i've been putting them off. hehe

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