Thursday, March 13, 2008

setting goals

lately i've been thinking a lot about setting life goals. some of them are just for the next month, others for the coming year, and of course then still more for the long term. i never imagined that i'd be 28 and still trying to figure out what my future might hold. i took a class in college called "gifts, guidance, and goals." one of the assignments was to write an imaginary time line for my life. according to that time line by this age i should be married, have a kid or two, and be happily settled in some warm, exotic asian country.

hmmm, i can check off only part of one of those dreams. i've got the exotic asian country, but it certainly isn't warm most of the time. hehe and as for being settled here, well, that's something that's surprised me. i'm learning that life really and truly is all about a Person. it isn't about a place, family, friends, language, warm boots, fresh coffee, good books, disappointments, laughter, or feeling so angry i want to scream. it's about how well i know and love the One who created ME and ALL these things i both love and hate about life this side of heaven. i'm coming to grips with the idea that i'll never feel settled here or anywhere on earth because this isn't the place i was created for.

so then how do i set goals when i know that reaching them isn't going to bring the satisfaction that i expect? i guess it has something to do with remembering that changed expectations and goals are the result of our fallenness and the fact that life on earth will never bring me the one thing i really crave.....uninterrupted fellowship with my Creator. i can set goals for my time here as long as i remember that i'll never be truly satisfied until i look into the loving eyes of the One who made me.


Melanie said...

Amanda, my friend Sara sent me some more of that yummy tea again. Wish we could sit and talk over some. =)

Love ya,

Ty said...

you are an inspiration! can't wait to see you!! love