Monday, November 5, 2007

fall back

mongolia chose not to do daylight savings time this year, so we didn't "fall back". however i'm suddenly wishing that i could fall back to about age 7. i remember my 7th birthday very clearly. i had a party in our yard and lots of my friends came. i wore a new dress and felt like a princess. all that mattered was making a good wish and blowing out the candles on my cake.

fast forward to my life today. i just had one of the most painful conversations of my life with a friend here. earlier today i was challenged to be "the bucket" in the Father's well. basically i need to realize that he has all the resources i need for life and ministry, and i am only able to scoop them up and use them for the good of those around me. a few hours ago i was wishing someone else was nearby with their bucket to pour it over me. what resources did i need? courage, grace, mercy, love, gentleness, patience, humility, forgiveness, and more love - because it is the best resource of all.

i am challenged to look for the people around me who need a good wash with the Father's resources.


Sarah Shirley said...

I remember your 7th birthday too. Things sure were simplier then. Our parents handled all the complications and our job was to just have fun. But things aren't so bad. Your living your dream in Mongolia, doing a work you were ment to do. The Father has provide for you thus far I'm sure he could throw in a little courage and love if you need it. P.S. I Love You Bunches!

Melanie said...

I'm thinking of you.

We're leaving Sunday for the retreat place, if nothing explodes before then. We'll be staying until Thursday then we have to go directly to UB from there and meet with Ps Bat about our Christmas program. I'll bring your DVD's and give you a call when we get to UB. Can't wait to see you!

Love you,