Tuesday, March 10, 2009

urgent update

i sent this email out earlier today and thought i'd also post it here for those of you who aren't on my email list.

Hello Friends,
How are you? Is spring starting to reawaken the life inside you the way it is reawakening me here in Mongolia? Today I went out without my heavy winter boots and coat and loved how much easier it was to walk without that extra weight. :)

Unfortunately, I've been carrying around some other weight on my shoulders for a while and it doesn't seem to be lightening with spring's approach. My ELIC financial account has had a large deficit for a few months now, but i just kept trying to tell myself not to worry about it. I've always had faith that if the Father wants me here in Mongolia, He'll provide everything I need in order to do the work He's called me to. It's such a privilege to serve Him here by investing in students' lives, being part of the local fellowship, and shining his light wherever I go. It would be a joy to be able to serve here again next fall, but now it's looking like that might not be a possibility.

My ELIC account has had a growing deficit throughout this school year, and I haven't focused on that very much in my communication with you. I was trusting that the Father knew about the deficit and would provide for it in his timing. It seems that the time has come now for me to specifically tell you about it. In fact, if my account balance hasn't risen significantly by March 31st, ELIC leaders and I will have to seriously look at me not being able to return to teach in August.

Please join me in lifting up my financial account and the decisions I'll have to be making in the next few weeks. Here are some specifics to lift up:
1. My account has a current deficit of close to $9,2000. This deficit needs to be much closer to $0 before March 31st if I'm able to consider coming back to Mongolia in August.

2. Next fall I'll have the opportunity to be part of a new teaching program that I'm really excited about. This program will give me the chance to invest in a whole new batch of students - secondary school English teachers. Isn't it exciting to consider that the truth and love I share with my students would then be passed on to their own students?

3. I'm seeking the Father's will and asking that He will make it very clear to me and everyone else - including you. I know He's going to provide my needs, if He wants me in Mongolia. If He's leading you to help provide some of these needs and you want to send a gift to my account, my number is Y62 and the address is:
(if you want the address, send me a message, and i'll get it to you. i don't think i should post it here on the web.)

Thanks so much for all the ways you've supported and encouraged me here. I have felt your love and care daily.
Trusting Him,

1 comment:

Let Love Grow said...

I am praying for you Amanda =) You have a beautiful trusting heart!