Friday, December 26, 2008

boxing day

it's now "boxing day" here in mongolia. for those of you who don't know boxing day, it's a canadian holiday on the 26th. when i was a kid i heard people talk about boxing day and thought they were talking about the sport. i couldn't ever figure out why there were no boxing matches on tv that day. then i realized that the boxing mentioned was more like "boxing up the christmas decorations". however, i can't imagine wanting to put away the decorations until at least after new year's day.

it's been a real treat for me to celebrate christmas here this year because i have loved ones in america who are celebrating half a day behind me. i was able to call my family on my christmas eve AND their christmas eve. and i talked to them on my christmas day AND their christmas day. i watched a christmas movie via skype with my boyfriend on my christmas day that was still his christmas eve. and today (still christmas for him) we just watched a marathon of "the office" christmas episodes. i'll celebrate christmas on sunday with my local fellowship here, and then on monday evening our ELI team will have another party. i'm really enjoying the chances to continue celebrating and remembering the beauty, glory, joy, and overwhelming LOVE that the Father shared with us when he gave us his SON.


KSA said...

As a Canadian my parents always told me that boxing day was the day we packed up our old things to give away to those in need. I don't know if is the real meaning behind the day, but the idea of sharing out of your new found wealth seems a little cheery than just packing up all your Christmas stuff so quickly.

Anonymous said...

doode!!!! your new background looks SO awesome!!!! :) I love it!!!

KSA said...

hey you mentioned a few weeks ago that you would be headed to T-land over the winter break. I was wondering where and when. I will in Chaing Mai from Jan 23 through Feb 7 or so. It would be cool if we could actually meet.