Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a cause for celebration

ok a few causes for celebration.
#1 i just downloaded david crowder band's new album. yipeeeeeee! i love itunes. it is quite amazing to be here in mongolia and be able to get new music as soon as it is available. and of course, the music itself is amazing.

#2 i have a flight reserved to come to the states for my sister lacey's wedding! i have such an incredible family, and i can't wait to see them. and of course, i can't wait for lacey's wedding. she will be such a gorgeous bride.

#3 i just picked up my phone and called "mongol cowboys meat". they will soon be delivering some chicken breasts, ground beef, and various other things. not only is it fabulous that they are bringing it to me, but i didn't have to go to a market and stare down a cow's head sitting on the table next to me as i tried to purchase ground beef. and of course, it is always easier to eat meat when i haven't been so recently reminded that it used to be a living animal. hehe


lss said...

Sounds like Muji is going to eat well. Lss

lss said...

I have put a link to your blog from mine. Thank you. I am believing and praying the Holy Spirit will draw those he is using me to write too. I never was one to enjoy writing themes in school. I just suddenly have to write ideas down. Where I am weak GOD gets the glory. lss