Sunday, June 28, 2009


i'm sooooooooo long overdue for a real post. i have LOTS to tell you about the last few weeks, but for now i'll just let you know that i'm safe in chicago, getting settled into my summer job, new apartment, and really loving all the opportunities for social interaction with old friends and my boyfriend. it's good to be back.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

heading home

hmmm, "home" is such a hard concept for me to personally define. i've lived quite a few places in the the last 10 years so home is definitely not just one place for me. i'm realizing more and more that home is about being with the people i love. so this weekend will most definitely be HOME for me. i'll be in kentucky with my whole family, and my boyfriend, and my kitty. (ok, so muji isn't a person, but i love him even so, and he's a bit of mongolia that i brought back with me. hehe)
i'm looking forward to lots of hugs and snuggle time with my sisters and brother. and i can't wait to just look out the windows of my parents' house and see their gorgeous green yard. oh how i have missed the sight of grass the last 2 years!